Dr. med. dent. Thomas Dobbertin
Dentist / Dental Technician
- Certified Specialist in Geriatric Dentistry, Endodontics, Implantology, Periodontology, and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
- Since 1992: Private practice in Frankfurt/M
- 1989 – 1992: Assistantship with various advanced training courses in Germany and abroad
- 1990: Doctorate in Forensic Medicine
- 1989: License to practice dentistry
- 1983 – 1989: Studies in Dentistry and Medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt
- 1981 – 1982: Work and further training in various dental laboratories in Germany and abroad
- 1978 – 1981: Apprenticeship as a dental technician
Publications on composite aesthetics and all-ceramic restorations in various professional journals and speaker on highly aesthetic and lifelike ceramic refinement techniques.